Thursday, March 3, 2016


Since the day I was young enough to know what dating was, every man that I have come across has been a disappointment, I'm almost convinced that since I've been disappointed so many times, not giving a fuck is almost a reflex, but it always hurts, of course. I've just come to learn that I can't rely on people anymore, the only person I can rely on for my own happiness is myself. People ask my why I'm always so negative and rude, there's always a reason why I act a certain way, its because I go through some real shit and I just have a guard up and its almost impossible at times for me to really open up to people. I used to want to hold you close but now I don't want you anywhere near me, I legitimately don't want to hear from you anymore, cause lately its all been disappointment and failure.
Lately for me, as of this day and this moment I'm writing this blog, I am not longer letting down this wall that I have built for myself, being let down is one thing I hate the most especially if a certain person promises things and they can't keep them. I guess that was my fault to let down this wall, I've always been an action kind of girl not all talk. Actions speak louder than words. Your certain actions, are letting me down in a big way and I'm done being let down. I should've already known this was going to happen. I just happened to want to give you the benefit of the doubt, which was a mistake but hey, every mistake is a lesson I am willing to learn, so I thank you for only that part. Everything else, words, gifts, texts, mean absolutely nothing. You made me this promise, and I decided to believe that you were going to keep that promise, deep down I was already prepared for you to let me down. Don't make promises you can't keep. Mistake made, and lesson learned.

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